Christians vs. Humans

Christians vs. Humans

Are christians allowed to be human? Can christ followers ever had a bad day, say a bad word, not be nice, do or say the wrong thing?

It’s unfortunate that some people think humans who proclaim to be christians are not allowed to do any of those things. The behavior of christians is constantly scrutinized and judged. Sometimes even by other christians.

There is a misconception that once we become saved we have to be perfect. We are not allowed to get tattoos, drink, swear, sin, or do anything else deemed “bad” in the eyes of others. The great news is good deeds don’t get us into heaven neither will bad deeds send us to hell. Even once you are saved, sin is still present. (for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23) Confessing your sins and believing that Jesus died for you and your sins is what saves you. (If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9) Being saved is what leads to your relationship with God and your willingness to live and be more like His son Jesus.

Now, just because you are willing doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes. We are all allowed to make mistakes, we are human. Learning from those mistakes and coming into who God says you are helps us not to make those same mistakes again.

At the end of the day only God can judge, according to Tupac and James 4:12. 🙂 It’s up to you to develop your own personal relationship. As a believer, you cannot impose your own personal convictions onto others. Your job is to help lead people to Christ not push them away with your judgments. The same goes for non believers. You cannot impose your personal norms and values onto others. Be led by our own moral compass, don’t try to be one for someone else.

In the grand conflict of christians vs. humans, if you didn’t already know, they are one in the same. The next time you see a christian, even your own pastor, do “bad” things, or have a bad day, remember, they are not only christians, but humans too.



13 responses to “Christians vs. Humans”

  1. Danielle Lavoie Avatar
    Danielle Lavoie

    I grew up in church so I definitely resonate with your post and I love the message! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NatWillBoyd Avatar

      Thanks so much Danielle!


  2. Nikki Avatar

    It’s so good for people to remember that EVERYONE is only human and that we are doing our best. ❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NatWillBoyd Avatar

      Thanks so much for your comment Nikki! We’re all a work in progress.


  3. Shelley Avatar

    If christians had to be perfect in order to be a Christian then there would be no christians.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. NatWillBoyd Avatar

      Amen Shelley! Thanks so much for your comment!


  4. dogtagsdollsdinosaurs Avatar

    Yes. Nobody is perfect. Christians, or anybody for that matter who claim to be are just silly. I agree that this perception and stereotype is pretty prevelant. You are right, only God can judge! And even through our darkest times, He loves us through all of it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NatWillBoyd Avatar

      So true! Thank you so much for your comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. beauty&thebudget Avatar

    This is a great post everyone should read. I wish everyone would remember that we’re all just humans, most trying to do our best. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NatWillBoyd Avatar

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment!


  6. Malea Holm Avatar

    This. Wow. That second to last paragraph is pure gold. Thank you for sharing. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NatWillBoyd Avatar

      Thanks Malea! So glad you enjoyed it!


  7. Tara Avatar

    Yes! Thank you for your post. We are all human and we all do make mistakes. God can only judge.

    Liked by 1 person

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